MainIT solutions ⁄ Server Configuration

Server Configuration

IT-infrastructure of the enterprise may include different types of servers with different functions. Server configuration consists of selecting the software and hardware that is required to solve specific business tasks.

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    Resource and financial management in IT

    How to optimize costs and save on services

    How to set up a server

    Companies use different types of servers: for workgroups, as well as network, mail, application, database, file, FTP, terminal and web servers. Choose a hosting provider that offers optimal hardware resources and assistance with server deployment. Often servers need to be clustered for greater service availability and increased protection against hardware failures.

    Server configuration involves following a certain algorithm.

    • Choose hosting.
    • Install the operating system (Windows Server, Linux, Ubuntu, CentOs).
    • Configure the network: IP-address, masks, gateways.
    • Install and configure server software.
    • Configure secure operation, install antivirus, firewall, automatic updates.
    • Deploy applications on the server, test their performance.

    How to set up a server

    Windows Server maintenance

    Installation, configuration, support and maintenance of Windows Server 2003/2008/2012 and others may require the purchase, delivery and installation of equipment, its integration into the infrastructure of the client company.

    Server administration includes configuration of system services, configuration of domain controller, backup system, data protection, VPN, deployment of mail servers, terminal server maintenance. In addition, configuration of FTP servers, installation of SQL and specialized software is required.

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    Database Server Settings

    To effectively manage information and use it in your work, you need to organize data storage on the server. It is necessary to set up the optimal configuration taking into account the needs of the client, increase productivity and maximize the use of hardware and software. It is equally important to ensure the safety of valuable business information.

    SQL Server setup consists of a set of works on administration, installation and updating of software and database configurations, automation setup, database development and refinement, security auditing, load balancing setup, backup, regular monitoring of Microsoft SQL Server, routine work.

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