
Сайт – главный канал коммуникации с потребителем, поэтому каждый новый продукт может требовать доработку веб-страницы или ее ребрендинг. Ключевой ресурс должен быть структурированным, удобным, содержать УТП с акцентом на приоритетные IT-продукты. Объединяющим началом, работающим на …

How to promote your business in Germany with Xing

How to promote your business in Germany with Xing

An overview of the advertising opportunities that the professional social network Xing gives to a company What is XingContents1 What is Xing2 Key features of business advertising in Germany through Xing3 Advertising Office3.1 Look-a-like3.2 Artificial …

Promotion in messengers

Promotion in messengers

Multichannel promotion implies active use of advertising in messengers. It helps to build trust among users and automate sales, accompanying the client from the moment of acquaintance with the product to its purchase.

Peculiarities of advertising in Asia

Promotion Trends in the East

Attractive Asian market is not easy to conquer because of the specific mentality. The inhabitants of Japan and South Korea appreciate lightness, multiple meanings, colorfulness and national color with a philosophical tinge in advertising.

Promotion of outsourcing services in IT

Promotion of Outsourcing Services in IT

The article considers the main aspects of the promotion of outsourcing services in the IT sphere. It describes the services that are in demand, presents innovative strategies and tips that will help outsourcing companies to successfully overcome competition and assert their position in the market.

Promotion of outstaffing through strategic marketing

Outstaffing promotion through strategic marketing

In this article we will look at the benefits of outstaffing, highlighting the problems it solves for corporations. We will look at the key tools that can increase sales effectiveness and discuss different approaches to content to increase conversions. Learn effective methods for attracting customers and strengthening your position in the outstaffing market.

CustDev for IT companies

CustDev for IT companies

A mistake at the beginning of a business project can ruin any IT-idea, even a great one. Before conquering the market, you should try it out and test it on the target audience. This is the only way to understand if the idea, service or product is needed by the consumer.

Approaches to provider promotion

Promotion of the provider and hosting on the market

Any provider can win the trust of clients if it uses non-standard mechanics in promotion. For example, track offline sales and incentivise the purchase of new services, offering the client exactly what they need to operate efficiently.

Unconventional Strategies for Promoting a Hosting Company

Unconventional ways to promote and strengthen your brand for your hosting company

Virtual reality, voice search, cryptocurrencies and other unique tools are becoming an integral part of modern hosting company marketing. In this article we will dive into the world of creative solutions and tell you about unusual ways to promote your site on the Internet that will help your company stand out from the competition. We’ll also reveal the secrets of successful brand building and show you how to create iconic status for your hosting company.