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Promotion in messengers

Advertising in messengers is one of the tools of multichannel promotion. It became especially relevant after the blocking of foreign social networks. With its help, personal contact with users is established and sales are automated. Native advertising in messengers expands coverage and brings in new clients.

What are auto sales funnels in messengers, how they are created

Properly organized advertising in Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram accompanies the user from the moment of interest in the product, service to the action. Such a scheme is called an auto-funnel of sales. It provides the following advantages:

  • reduces the cost of attracting customers;
  • increases the average check;
  • increases sales and customer base.

Sales auto-funnel starts with driving the user to a page with a product, service. Then a lead magnet is created. This is a free offer that is useful for the future customer, partially closes his “pains” or solves a certain problem. Then interested users successively pass through the following stages:

  • Tripwire – a low-cost, useful offer that engages the target audience, increases its loyalty.
  • The main offer, which completely closes the “pains” of users.
  • Profit Optimizer. These are additional offers that increase the average check.

Properly configured automated advertising in Viber, other messengers does not let visitors go, but “presses”, turns them into buyers and regular customers.

Advertising in messengers and its effectiveness depends on the niche in which the promotion is conducted, how accessible it explains to the target audience the advantages of using a certain product or service.

Promotion via messengers

Features and advantages of promotion in Telegram

Advertising in Telegram became an effective tool after the blocking of large foreign social networks. It is launched manually or with the help of specialized exchanges. Promotion in Telegram offers the following advantages:

  • the possibility of entering not only the Russian, but also the Indian, Brazilian, Egyptian markets. It is also possible to promote in Indonesia, UAE and the European Union;
  • advertising in the Telegram channel is concise, which increases the chance of a quick response;
  • subscribers read publications, so they are not lost in the stream of posts;
  • advertising in Telegram bots automates sales and saves resources;
  • advertising is cheaper than in other channels of information.

At the same time, Telegram has disadvantages. It is the absence of a publicly available centralized service for setting up advertising campaigns, which creates difficulties in launching them. To set up and launch an information campaign through the messenger’s in-house service, you need a budget of 2 million euros or more. Therefore, you have to manually search for channels of relevant topics to place commercial materials. Most of them are run by individuals, which complicates interaction with legal entities. Another disadvantage is the lack of targeting by geo, gender and age.

When using Telegram for promotion, it is important to increase the audience smoothly. It is not possible to engage in hoarding. It is necessary to make sure that subscribers and potential clients come from channels with relevant topics. A good engagement rate for messenger is 15% with an audience of 50 thousand subscribers.

With the help of chatbots, you can run advertising for a Telegram channel on Facebook. This is one of the ways to engage users in an automated sales funnel. But to use this tool requires a competent setup of advertising in messenger Facebook.

How to promote a product or service in Viber

The messenger has a large coverage, which makes it an effective tool for promoting a product on the market. Advertising through Viber increases user engagement, as it is demonstrated “by interest” and does not impose third-party offers. The messenger’s strength is its seven advertising formats:

  1. Business chat inbox – ads are displayed above the list of business chats when the user navigates to a specific section.
  2. Calls tab – ads are shown in the calls section above recently made calls.
  3. Chat extensions – promos are displayed when a user types a message, wants to insert a link in it.
  4. Desktop video – a format created for the desktop version of the messenger. Commercials in the form of short clips appear below the list of chats without sound. The user can turn it on. The visibility rate of the format is 90%.
  5. Post-call – advertising in Viber chat in the format of a pop-up ad. It appears after the end of the call or if the call is not answered for more than 40 seconds.
  6. Main chat screen – ads in the format of a personal message from a friend are displayed in the most “visible” area of the messenger.
  7. Desktop display – classic banner format, customized for desktop computers. Ads of different sizes are shown to the user.

Sending ads in Viber allows you to fine-tune targeting. This is not only age, gender, geo, but also such characteristics as:

  • operating system of the device being used;
  • browser type, version, language;
  • mobile operator;
  • type of connection (from 2G to Wi-Fi);
  • smartphone model.

Sending ads through Viber takes into account the preferences of users. Ads are shown according to the topics they are subscribed to, taking into account the geolocation of the calls made.

It is possible to run advertising through Viber SMS distribution. Messages are sent to the user’s contacts (the limit is 50 numbers), group chats. Distribution can also be organized through communities, where there is no limit on the number of participants.

With the help of special services, announcements in messenger are made more interactive. Clickable texts, buttons increase conversion rate. With a detailed elaboration of the campaign, it can reach 30%.

Viral advertising in Viber annoys users and leads to the use of tools to disable it. The result is a senseless expenditure of funds, lost time. To avoid this, to use all the advantages of the messenger, you should not only know how to use Viber to advertise your business, but also be able to customize campaigns, constantly monitor and adjust their effectiveness.

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Promotion through Facebook messenger

Facebook messenger ads are displayed in the correspondence box. If the user clicks on it, the block will enlarge, providing extended information about the interested offer. It also uses the format of showing ads between created Stories. You can run a promotional mailing for users with whom there was interaction.

Competent promotion through Facebook messenger increases the reach. Subtle targeting settings customize the display of ads only to interested users. They can be redirected to other messengers or corporate websites. You can also customize the budget and schedule for showing ads. The number of creatives is not limited, but they are subject to strict moderation. Therefore, familiarize yourself with the rules of the service in advance to save time.

The “Lead Generation” function collects more complete information about active users. After clicking on the ads, they are offered to take a survey, and then continue communicating with the seller or bot.

Properly configured mailing of ads in Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram or Facebook messenger will give a significant increase in customers, buyers. To expand the client base, to avoid mistakes in promotion in messengers, use the experience of specialists of the company “Integrus”. We perform fine-tuning of advertising campaigns for effective use of the budget, focused on achieving the set goals.

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