How to promote your business in Germany with Xing

How to promote your business in Germany with Xing

An overview of the advertising opportunities that the professional social network Xing gives to a company What is XingContents1 What is Xing2 Key features of business advertising in Germany through Xing3 Advertising Office3.1 Look-a-like3.2 Artificial …

Unconventional Strategies for Promoting a Hosting Company

Unconventional ways to promote and strengthen your brand for your hosting company

Virtual reality, voice search, cryptocurrencies and other unique tools are becoming an integral part of modern hosting company marketing. In this article we will dive into the world of creative solutions and tell you about unusual ways to promote your site on the Internet that will help your company stand out from the competition. We’ll also reveal the secrets of successful brand building and show you how to create iconic status for your hosting company.

Marketing plan for an IT company

Marketing plan for an IT company

The IT market is booming; the number of companies willing to sell their developments is constantly increasing. If you do not invest into advertising, promotion and marketing, even good products remain unclaimed.

Promotion of digital IT technologies

It is impossible to promote fintech, edtech and biotech projects on the international markets without a well-thought-out PR. Recognizable brand allows gaining the trust of clients, asserting oneself, promoting and scaling up business.

PR for IT-companies

PR for IT companies

Implementation of products and services of IT companies is impossible without complex promotion. The task of PR is to form a potential client’s desire to solve his problem by purchasing the company’s products.

Brand promotion for IT

IT-market demonstrates steady growth. There is a demand for information technologies in all business spheres. Increase of competition and struggle for clients leads to the fact that it is necessary to stand out from the general mass, to have own chip and recognizable brand.

SMM for IT

Social networks unite a lot of people, which opens up great opportunities for promotion. In order to win the loyalty and attention of users, increase the reach and enhance the recognition of the products, you need time, finances and a clear promotion plan.

Promotion of IT startups

Promotion of IT startups

Successful attraction of venture investors as well as the future of an IT startup depend on a proper promotion strategy. Quality marketing and PR should accompany the idea from the moment of its creation to the incarnation and further sales.

How to make marketing for IT companies effective

The goal of any IT company is to enter a wide market, build a reputation and sell its IT product. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to use marketing competently, building communication with all segments of the target audience.

Advertising for IT

Selling IT products requires expertise and simplicity at the same time. A company should demonstrate itself to users, create an image, and become attractive to employees.