How to promote your business in Germany with Xing

How to promote your business in Germany with Xing

An overview of the advertising opportunities that the professional social network Xing gives to a company What is XingContents1 What is Xing2 Key features of business advertising in Germany through Xing3 Advertising Office3.1 Look-a-like3.2 Artificial …

Marketing plan for an IT company

Marketing plan for an IT company

The IT market is booming; the number of companies willing to sell their developments is constantly increasing. If you do not invest into advertising, promotion and marketing, even good products remain unclaimed.

Case complex marketing for IT companies

Case study on how comprehensive IT marketing works, how to promote an IT company on the Internet. Features of advertising and promotion of IT companies on the Internet.

How to effectively promote software on the IT market

Selling software always involves a certain risk, because ideas are in the air and can be intercepted by competitors. How can you make sure that as many users as possible who are interested in a unique product find out about the product’s launch on the market?

Promotion of digital IT technologies

It is impossible to promote fintech, edtech and biotech projects on the international markets without a well-thought-out PR. Recognizable brand allows gaining the trust of clients, asserting oneself, promoting and scaling up business.

How to promote yourself to the developers

How to promote yourself to the developers

Specialists in software, application and platform development are always in demand. An abundance of competitors forces you to engage in constant promotion, to demonstrate your expertise and value. How do you do this to get clients to line up?

Targeted advertising for IT

Targeting in social networks for IT projects: setting up parameters for selecting the target audience, creating blocks and posts, setting up KPIs. The tasks that targeting advertising solves, the resources for it and the stages of the advertising campaign.

SMM for IT

Social networks unite a lot of people, which opens up great opportunities for promotion. In order to win the loyalty and attention of users, increase the reach and enhance the recognition of the products, you need time, finances and a clear promotion plan.

Promotion of IT-services

How to make promotion of IT services effective

Building the marketing and promotion of IT services requires the utmost attention to building the company’s reputation. It is important to create a marketing strategy, attract traffic, and increase conversions. It is important to create a marketing strategy, attract traffic, and increase conversions, so that users become customers and come back for more services.